Having lived and breathed the demands and stress of corporate America during a successful career of more than 20 years as a senior marketing professional in Fortune 500 companies, I learned the importance of work-life balance and stress management – the hard way – firsthand, day after day, year after year. I shouldered the consequences of not having such balance on my marriage, my relationships, my health and my happiness. And I witnessed the toll it took on my colleagues, friends and family. I then vowed to personally keep myself in check. Years later, it was with great enthusiasm and purpose that I made a change to a profession where I could make a difference in people’s lives.

Health has always been a priority to me along with my belief that without it, we cannot reap life’s gifts and opportunities. Always drawn to healthy living, I reached out and was sought after for insight and support by family, friends and peers. I was inspired seeing people motivated to take action as a result of understanding how their lifestyle choices significantly impacted their health. I am particularly interested in the natural abilities we have to overcome health problems and get immense satisfaction empowering people to harness them.

I was professionally trained and certified as an Integrative Health Coach by Duke Integrative Medicine, part of the renowned Duke University School of Medicine. Working with clients across the country, I utilize clinically proven coaching protocols to help clarify your health goals and incorporate behaviors, attitudes and lifestyles that are conducive to optimum health.

Think of me as your champion to realize what you truly want out of life. Health matters and I want you to be healthy… to the core. With my professional support and insight, the result is a healthier, happier YOU — leading to a productive, successful and joyful life.

Contact me today to learn more at karen@healthmatterscoaching.net

© Copyright | Health Matters Coaching – Karen Walker, Integrative Health Coach - Design: Ruby Red Design Studio