A bit of context… What is integrative health
and how it is changing how we care for ourselves.
Integrative medicine believes that optimal health and healing is best achieved when you identify and understand the impact of your lifestyle and health behaviors on your well being and take ownership in creating and sustaining healthier choices.
It is dawning on us that individual responsibility is at the core of making these changes. What we can envision for our health, we can attain, with positive support. This is where Integrative Health Coaching comes in — supporting clients in making critical choices for their health. It encourages people to take the time and attention to focus on themselves, on areas of their health and well being that are important to them. I call it allowing for “me time” — permission to explore, deepen learning and move forward with a trained professional to improve vitality and quality of life.
We all know the importance of regular exercise, eating wisely and rest. While ‘understanding’ is a good first step, it usually doesn’t change the way we behave. Why? Many of our habits have become our default settings and do not support our health and well being. In fact, research tells us that many of our habits are contributing to near-epidemic health problems. The improvement of that picture lies in changing lifestyle habits.
Clinical research continues to demonstrate that working with an Integrative Health Coach is a key component for people to make the lifestyle and behavior changes necessary for improving and sustaining their health and well being.
Integrative Health Coaching is a powerful and proven complement to Western medicine and can be thought of as fulfilling the missing link. People find it difficult to address their personal concerns or doctor recommendations given they are often dependent on making (and sustaining) behavior changes that are driven by their health and lifestyle choices… and habits.
Enter… Integrative Health Coaching